Monday, September 29, 2014

An Indian Father's Plea- Robert Lake (Medicine Grizzlybear)

I have decided to choose the topic of connections for this blog post because I have realized that everything we have discusses in class is connected, from SCWAMP to Delpit's "Will it Help the Sheep?" and the piece titled "White Privilege" Discussing SCWAMP, this letter mainly relates to the whiteness (W) because the school that Wind-Wolf is attending is all white people and the authorities use this fact to their advantage when dealing with people who are culturally different than themselves. In Delpit's "Will it Help the Sheep?" the main point that was made was if changes in the education system will actually help the children or are the changes just for the authorities. This is the same point that is a underlying issue in the letter to the teacher in the school which Wind-Wolf would be attending. It is one thing to think about how the teachers will help him but all the teachers are thinking about is if Wind-Wolf would benefit them. I feel most decisions are made with this type of attitude and this is why the education system is as corrupt as it is. The people in charge are not thinking about the interests of the child but mostly of their own interests.

Other than the authorities not doing the right thing when it come to their students, there is the other issue of racism and this relates to the "White Privilege" piece. The list of the daily affects of white privilege that McIntosh writes is completely eye opening and I think it is very relevant to the letter that Wind-Wolf's father wrote. The administration, as well as the students in the school judge his child because he is not like them. He is a different color, has a different hair style and different customs but this does not make him different. We are all human. This is the main fact that everybody forgets. Humans are all equal. We all have human rights. The human rights are extremely violated in this case and in many cases that we have read about. It was brave of McIntosh to write about how she is involved with the point of White Privilege and as I read over these points it made me realize how many times I experience the same things every day. The same braveness was used when the father wrote the letter to the teacher, he was patient and calm and sounded very well educated and not very angry at all. This proves that he is educated and is the bigger person in this situation.

Points to discuss: HUMAN RIGHTS!
I had a class last year that was focused on human rights, which I had no idea actually existed. There are many articles that state are freedoms as HUMANS. Not as, white, rich men but just for living and existing on this beautiful planet we are born with rights. I added a link to the Human Rights page, listing every article and a Venn Diagram depicting how Human rights are violated.