Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3 R's Race Reform Rights
There were many parts to this video that related to issues that we have previously discussed in class and to other articles we have read. There was a particular topic that related to me because of my plan to become a teacher. I feel like many of the people in this class can relate to this as well. Closer to the end of the video there was a question asked about whether having a non white teacher affects the students. I had never thought about it before but the only Spanish teacher I had was for my Spanish class and I think I have had only one black teacher in middle school science; he has since retired. This made me think about how non white teachers feel when they teach and whether it does make a difference or not. Gloria; one of the speakers said something in response to the question, "All students need to see a teaching force that more accurately represents the country." her response was clever and clear and not close minded and opened up many other questions to follow. She basically is saying that a non white teacher will not just help non white students but they would help every student. My Spanish teacher obviously helped me in my Spanish class but thinking back having my teacher in eighth grade be black affected me as well. He would actually make mild jokes about it and I realized he was one of my favorite teachers because he was so outgoing and knowledgeable....not because he was black.
I attached a video that appeared on the side bar of the original video and a picture of the logo of the Dual Language Immersion program that is opening up in schools. the video is of a Hispanic teacher talking about his experience in the classroom and how he incorporates his culture to help the students.
Points to bring up in class: Will we, as future teachers, be able to accommodate all children, Spanish speaking and not? Depends on school, administrations, curriculum, etc. Our experiences in the schools we are in now, I am in an ESL classroom and the curriculum is not great even the teacher complains about it.


  1. I really like the video you put up! I feel like teachers like that are needed more nowadays. Also the points that your want to bring up in class are really good. I feel as future educators we should at least learn about different cultures that way when we have our own classroom we know more about our students. That way we can relate and understand holidays, words, language, etc.

    Awesome job!

  2. Until I read your blog I had never really thought about my experiences with non-white teachers. When I did think about my educational experience from elementary school through high school, I as well can only think of about one African American teacher, and one Spanish teacher. It never occurred to me how my educational experience might have been different had all my teachers not been white, but some other race. Would it have changed my experience at all? Would I be more educated on certain topics? I really liked reading your blog because it made me think about my own life!

  3. I like your points to bring up in class! im sure we will be talking about that a lot lol

  4. I like the fact that you brought up the idea of bilingual education. The United States is changing and so are the languages of the people, and we need to connect with students by being more cultural.

  5. I think dual language programs are very important. I support it even more so now after being in the classroom!
